Don Robertson

Best Selling Chart Songs

(Don Robertson)

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* Elvis Presley [Click to buy Elvis' Something For Everybody] * Don Robertson [Click to buy Don Robertson: And Then I Wrote...Songs For Elvis] *

  • featured in The Cleveland/San Jose Ballet Company production of "BLUE SUEDE SHOES," 1996, 2002

 quotes It worked both ways. The more I listened to Elvis, the more I tended to write the songs and sing the demos in his style. It was a fortunate coincidence that we both had about the same comfortable vocal range (his was greater), and we understood each other's phrasing. He also liked my accompaniments, whether just piano, or with small or large orchestras. At his house one time, he told me how much he liked the intro and fills on I MET HER TODAY and on ANYTHING THAT'S PART OF YOU and asked me to play them several times for him on his grand piano.quotes

Links to other Don Robertson songs recorded by Elvis Presley

© Copyright Don Robertson Music Corporation 2000-2004
All songs Administered by Warner Chappell Music Inc.